
Paediatric Department at Santom Hospital is one of the finest child care centers in North & West Delhi and provides excellent personalized child care to children upto 14 years of age. Paediatric Department at Santom Hospital is a state of the art Department with a highly qualified & skilled team of Pediatrician in Rohini, Pitampura. Round the clock availability of a Paediatrician and well trained supportive staff make our Department child-friendly.

Services Offered:
General Paediatrics: Children whose vital signs are stable and do not require any intense monitoring are kept with their parents in the desired category room under the strict supervision of a child specialist in Rohini, Pitampura who is available round the clock.

Paediatric ICU – PICU: Children requiring close monitoring and intensive care are kept in PICU under the close supervision of Paediatric Intensivists. PICU is equipped with Pediatric Ventilator/ Muti-Para Monitors/ Infusion Pumps with 24 Hrs. central as well as bedside monitoring by Critical Care Team.

Neonatology – NICU: Division of Neonatology at Santom Hospital is recognized as the premier leader in NICU management. With Level III care at Neonatal intensive care unit which is equipped with highly sophisticated technology like Pediatric Ventilators, Warmers/ Incubators/ Multipara vital monitors/ Single/ Double Phototherapy etc.